Journalistenbüro Baufeld

About us

You search for support in the German market? You need German native speakers to tell the public your messages? What can we do for you?

First we should speak about your objectives and who should be targeted. You can expect professional advice and full support in the execution of your plans.

We will find the right channel in the multimedia world for your messages. As journalists we have a sure feeling for the right way of communication. We know how to tell a story, how to approach a subject, how to win over the “grandma behind the hills” and the digital-native-grandson. And quite natural: We write convincing and readable.

Writing, editing, supervision of production: Whatever you need, we will do it. We know: Others might as well. But may be we do better than many others.


Angela and Michael Baufeld

We both studied Journalism at Alma Mater Lipsiensis, Leipzig, Germany. We started work as journalists in 1985 in Berlin at daily newspapers.

In 1990 Michael attended the Henri-Nannen-School of Journalism (Hamburg) for a further training course.

In 1993 Angela visited some regions of the U.S.A. during a study trip.

In the 1990th we worked as freelancers for several magazines and newspapers in Austria and Germany e.g. „Internationale Wirtschaft“ (Wien) „Die Wirtschaft“, „Capital“, „DM“, „Geldidee“, „Guter Rat“ and daily newspapers in Berlin and the Berlin region. Besides we produced brochures, anual reports and other material for Public Relations.

Since 1993 Michael worked for infrastructure projects of Deutsche Bahn, since 2001 in the Public Relations Department of German Rail.

Since 1994 Angela worked in the Public Relations Department of the Berlin Sports Association and is editor of the association´s monthly magazin „Sport in Berlin“.